Men's Socks

Seattle Lifestyle Blogger & Model - Navjot Kamal

Velvet & White had the opportunity to work with @navjotkamal recently, so we wanted to share with our readers and follows a little bit about one of Seattle's fashion model and lifestyle blogger ... Read More
Men's Socks

Dress To Impress As You Head Back To Business

So you are heading back to the office and you got used to the top half of your outfit being more “zoom call appropriate?” . Well, it is time to figure out where your dress pants are, maybe find that loafer you threw in the back of your closet? ...Read More
Men's Socks

What Fashion Trends To Bring Back This Season

I am a firm believer of “old is gold” and that is one of the things I am passionate about especially when it comes to style and fashion. A lot of brands are bringing back trends from the distant and near past ... Read More
Men's Socks

Men, What Do Your Socks Say About You?

You know that feeling you get when you go to someone’s house and everyone has to take off their shoes (because we are civilized human beings) and you look around to see people’s socks? ... Read More
Fall Winter Trends 2021

Fall Winter Trends 2021

Some of the trends that we are looking forward to this year are classics of the fashion season: the overcoats, chunky knits among others but we are seeing a lot of diversity when it comes to prints, textures , fabrics and colours .. Read More
Men's Socks

Let's talk about SOCKS

Love them or hate them, it's the season for them. Growing up my mother insisted that I pair them up after taking them off my feet and after ... Read More.
Men's Socks

7 Tips to Washing Dress Socks to Keep them Looking Vibrant

Mastering the care of socks is important, so that every step you take will be “Iconic every step of the way” ... Read More.
Men's Socks

Introducing Toronto’s Fashion Enthusiast @byfredanyona

We had the opportunity to catch up with Fred Anyona...Read More